May 29, 2024

The 2024 Special General Meeting will be held online on Saturday, June 15, 2024 at 10:00 a.m.

The meeting proper will convene at 10:00 a.m.

February 27, 2024

The 2024 Annual General Meeting will be held online on Saturday, April 27, 2024 at 1:00 p.m.

The meeting will open at 12:00 p.m. The Returning Officer will not accept nominations before the meeting begins.

The meeting proper will be called to order at 1:00 p.m. The Returning Officer will accept nominations during the election for positions for which there are either no candidates, or only one candidate.

The ATIO Board of Directors chose to hold the AGM online this year. We will again be using the services of GetQuorum to facilitate the event.

GetQuorum will send the AGM email event notice(s) and documents to the email address where you receive ATIO’s newsletter updates. Please ensure this email address is in your list of allowed emails so you do not miss anything:

Please note that some procedures will change, and voting will be done using the updated GetQuorum platform. GetQuorum has provided a User Guide to ATIO’s membership.

Please find below links to the documents concerning the 2024 Annual General Meeting, which will be held online.

To register: Click on the link provided in the email from

Notice of Annual General Meeting (Proposed Agenda)
Call for Nominations
2024 Elections – Notice of Nomination form
Proxy Management
Proposed By-law amendments

2023 Financial Statements
2024 Budget

Draft of the Minutes of the AGM of the ATIO, April 29, 2023
Treasurer’s Report
Secretary’s Report

Draft of the Minutes of the SGM of the ATIO, June 17, 2023

The following nominations have been received by the Secretariat:

Candidates are asked to submit their curriculum vitae, statement of intent, and speech, for distribution before the Annual General Meeting (a. 12.04).

The ATIO Board of Directors is a group of volunteer certified members, and is defined as a “working board”, working closely with Secretariat staff.
The board meets approximately six times each year. Between meetings, board members represent ATIO as ambassadors in their dealings with the public and with local institutions.

PROXY: Not able to attend the meeting?
If making use of a proxy because you are unable to attend: The proxy form was sent on February 27, 2024 from Proxy registration will close on April 24, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. EDT. No proxies will be accepted after that date.

Certified members who submit a proxy who then choose to participate in the meeting will have the option to revoke their proxy and vote live at the meeting.


  1. The GetQuorum system is not bilingual.
  2. ATIO will provide content in both official languages.
  3. ATIO Staff are not processing AGM registrations: AGM registrations must be completed through the registration link provided by GetQuorumLet us know if you do not receive the email after you check your email system.
  4. Certified members are encouraged to join the meeting with their Web Browser to access full meeting features.
  5. Access to the online AGM: Registrants will be emailed a unique meeting link that will allow them to be properly identified during the meeting. Certified members can only participate in motions and voting if they are using the GetQuorum Meeting Portal.
  6. Keep the meeting URL private: Registrants should not share their meeting link with anyone.
  7. Voting: Only registered certified members will be prompted to vote during the meeting in the Web Browser Meeting Portal.
  8. Important note about voting: Those who choose to call into the meeting will not be able to vote. In order to vote, certified members must join the meeting using the link provided.
  9. Technical support: GetQuorum will begin the meeting with instructions on how to use the various components and provide technical support should anyone experience a challenge during the meeting.

The ATIO Board of Directors passed three resolutions as follows:

  1. The proxy registration form will be sent several times between February 27, 2024, and April 24, 2024. All certified members have a right to vote either with a general proxy, or a specific proxy. If you cannot attend the AGM, please click the button for proxy registration. Members should contact their proxy holder directly both to confirm their attendance at the AGM, and to submit comments on AGM materials which will be voted upon.
  2. The deadline for submission of a proxy is three days prior to the annual general meeting. The deadline is set at 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, April 24, 2024. This allows the service provider, the board, and the staff to properly prepare for the AGM on Saturday.
  3. Certified members are limited to a maximum of 10 proxies.

A proxy’s vote will not be counted if their proxy holder does not attend the AGM.

Certified members may revoke their proxy if they choose to participate in the meeting.

As always, using a computerized system has its benefits and its challenges; ATIO is adapting to the virtual world for you to have the best experience that we are able to provide.
Please direct inquiries to
