Practice Exam


Deadline for registrations:
October 24, 2024
Cost: $200.00, plus tax
per language combination (1 text to translate*)
(cost for non-members: $250.00, plus tax)

  [Please complete the registration form and return it to to register for the Practice Exam.]

Are you planning on writing the CTTIC Certification exam and want to prepare by practicing?

You may choose to write your CTTIC Certification Practice exam for Translation from home* or in a classroom setting in order to get a better idea for what it feels like to be in that environment while writing your exam. To verify on the availability of a Practice Exam for Interpreters and Terminologists, please contact us at

* Please note only members in good standing are eligible to write this exam from home.

Exam Format

  • – Candidates may wish to translate only one text, or two texts in order to imitate the actual exam in full.
  • – You will translate text(s) from your “source language” to your “target language” (this information will have been provided to us in your ATIO Membership Application form).
  • – Selected text(s) will be approximately 200 words in length and it will be in the same nature as the compulsory/optional texts used in the actual CTTIC Certification exams.
  • – If you choose to translate one (1) text, the maximum duration of the Practice exam is 1.5 hours.
  • – If you choose to translate two (2) texts, the maximum duration of the Practice exam is 3 hours. (*added charges apply: $50.00, plus tax)

Exam Day Regulations

  • – Only registered Candidates can sit for the exam or complete it from home.
  • – You will be provided with lined sheets, source text and a black pen.
  • – Please arrive 15 minutes early for registration with proof of identification (you must show a driver’s licence or any other 2 pieces of identification).
  • – The use of print materials such as dictionaries and other reference works ARE PERMITTED during the examination.
  • – The use of any electronic device during the examination is strictly prohibited.  Electronic devices include, but are not limited to, cell phones, BlackBerries®, iPods®, laptops and tablet computers.  (During the actual CTTIC Certification exam, any such use will lead to your disqualification; the examination will not be marked and the fee will not be refunded.)

Please also note

  • – To ensure anonymity, papers will be identified by a number only.
  • – One marker will be assigned to each exam and they will apply the CTTIC marking guidelines when marking the exams.
  • – Unlike with the actual CTTIC exam, you will receive a marker’s comments sheet as well as your marked exam to make sure that this is a fully educational experience for you. The feedback provided should give a reasonable idea of whether you are ready to take the actual exam and, if not, where you need more work.
  • – Candidates are reminded that even if they achieve a passing mark, they might not necessarily pass the certification exam, but if they fail, the chances are high that they will fail the actual exam.
  • – You will be notified of your results by e-mail. Examination papers will not be returned to candidates.
  • – It takes approximately twelve (12) weeks for applicants to receive their exam results.
  • – Candidates may take as many practice exams as they wish.
  • – The fees associated to this exam will not be reimbursed.
Practice Exam Rescheduling Policy

Effective August 30, 2019

Requests to reschedule must be emailed to

After exam registration:

– If a candidate wishes to reschedule their practice exam, they will pay a penalty of 25% of the exam price.

– The candidate may reschedule ONCE without penalty.

Three weeks before the exam:

– If a candidate reschedules their exam between one and three weeks before their scheduled exam date, they will receive a 50% refund.

– The candidate must pay in full (100%) for a new exam date.

7 days or less before the exam:

– Reschedule requests received within this period will not be refunded.

– The candidate must pay in full (100%) for a new exam date.


The only exception to the above is if a candidate falls ill on the exam day. In such cases, upon receipt of a doctor’s report, ATIO may refund a maximum of 50%.

Practice Exam Cancellation Policy

Effective August 30, 2019

Requests to cancel must be emailed to

After exam registration:

– If a candidate wishes to cancel their practice exam, they will pay a penalty fee of 25% of the exam price.

– The candidate may cancel once without penalty.

Three weeks before the exam:

– If a candidate cancels their exam between one and three weeks before their scheduled exam date, they will receive a 50% refund.

7 days or less before the exam:

– Cancellation requests received within this period will not be refunded.

– The candidate must pay in full (100%) for a new exam date.


The only exception to the above is if an candidate falls ill on the exam day. In such cases, upon receipt of a doctor’s report, ATIO may refund 50%.

November 23, 2024 10:00 AM - November 23, 2024 5:00 PM
***EXACT LOCATION and exam schedule details will be sent to each Candidate prior to the exam.