Certified Terminologist Directory

For written language that require standardized or specialized terminology.
Step by step instructions are found below.
ATIO is not a translation or interpreting agency. To contact our members for professional services, please search this Directory. 
When searching for an interpreter, choose the language in the Source Language field (example: Arabic, French, Italian), and enter either English or French in the Target Language field.


Step by step instructions on how to get in contact with a Certified Terminologist:

  1. Complete the following portions of the form (do not fill in all fields).
  2. Select your “Source Language”.
    This is the original language of your document or spoken word or term.
  3. Select your “Target Language”.
    This is the language in which you require the document or spoken word or term to be in.
  4. Optionally, you can specify your preferred “City”.
    1. This may reduce the amount of search results.
    2. Please note that if the service is not in your specific city, most terminologists will accept documents electronically – please make sure to clarify that with the terminologist.
  5. Click the “Search” button at the bottom left of the grey area.
  6. Scroll down and click on the name(s) listed in the search results.  This will show you their contact details.
    1. Check to see if they accept freelance work (in their contact details). If the answer is “Yes/Oui”, you may contact them.

If the directory does not contain a professional in your desired language combination, we suggest that you continue your search by browsing the directory of the other provincial associations.

Do you know what category you’re looking for?

  1. A translator works with the written word.
  2. An interpreter works with the spoken word.
  3. A terminologist works with terms.


Questions related to terminologists’ rates, turnaround time, shipping options, and any other additional costs, should be discussed directly with the terminologist before making any payment or signing any agreement.

Discussing the format in which you will provide the document(s) to be translated and in which their translation will be sent back to you, will help ensure the final product meets your requirements and the requirements of the company, organization or government department requesting the translation.

If you are experiencing technical difficulties using the directory, we recommend using Chrome as your internet browser.

