Have you registered for the 2025 CTTIC Certification exam and want to know more about what to expect? Are you planning on writing the exam next year and want to know how to prepare?
While the certification exam is difficult, understanding what to expect and how to prepare, will help increase your chances of succeeding.
This Information Session will include details regarding:
There will also be a Q&A portion at the end of the session.
This session is $30.00 and open to anyone interested in learning more about the Canadian Translators, Terminologists and Interpreters Council’s (CTTIC) Certification Exam.
ONLINE (Saturday, April 19, 2025)
Registration deadline:
April 14
The webinar will be presented in English. Zoom links will be sent to registrants one day before the event.
Registrants will have access to the recording for three weeks following their session. The link to access the webinar recording will be sent to registrants on Tuesday, April 22.
If you are interested in attending this information session, please buy your ticket by clicking the blue button.