The certification exam is controlled by the Canadian Translators, Terminologists and Interpreters Council (CTTIC) and administered by ATIO in Ontario.
Only Candidates for Certification in good standing with ATIO are eligible to register for this exam.
The examination is intended for experienced translators and interpreters who wish to have their competence recognized by their peers. It does not seek to identify aptitude or potential, but rather to attest to a candidate’s professional skills. A candidate who can produce a translation that is faithful and idiomatic and requires little or no revision is deemed capable of practicing independently.
OPEN | In person / Two exams (handwritten or personal laptop) | April 10, 2025 | May 10, 2025 | April 19 to May 2 | May 3 to May 9 |
CLOSED | In person / Two exams (handwritten or personal laptop) | October | November |
Email your completed registration to
If you require assistance please email
The in-person certification exam in translation costs $725 + 13% HST per language combination.
For example, French to English is one language combination, while English to French is another.
These fees are non-refundable.
The fees for certification exam in interpretation will be announced soon.
Available Exam Types for 2024
Unavailable Exam Types for 2024
Available Languages for 2024
If your language is not listed below; or if your language combination includes French, with the exception of English-French and French-English combinations, please contact us before registering. You must be a Candidate for Certification in Translation in the language combination you are registering for.
Arabic Hebrew Malay Serbian
Chinese Hindi Persian (Farsi) Spanish
Croatian Indonesian Polish Tamil
French Italian Portuguese Turkish
German Japanese Punjabi (Gurmukhi) Ukrainian
Greek Macedonian Russian Urdu
Court interpretation:
The list below can only be “paired” with English.
Cantonese Mandarin Spanish
Japanese Persian (Farsi) Korean
Community and medical interpretation:
The list below can only be “paired” with English.
Arabic Hungarian Portuguese
Cantonese Japanese Spanish
Persian (Farsi) Korean
French Mandarin
Format for Translation Exam
Candidates will translate one compulsory general text of approximately 200 words, and another text that is a choice between two somewhat specialized texts of about 200 words each.
The translation exam is an open book examination: dictionaries and reference works are permitted, but may not be exchanged with other candidates.
Candidates for Certification in Translation have the choice to write the exam either by hand or using their own personal laptop. In either case, all candidates will only be allowed to use hard-copy dictionaries, style guides, etc. Access to the internet, email, chat programs or to any electronic dictionaries, CAT tools, etc. will be strictly prohibited. The use of electronic devices including, but not limited to, cell phones, smartphones, smart watches, etc. is strictly prohibited.
Format for Interpretation Exams
All interpretation exams include written and oral components. The ‘Written Component’ examinations may be written on a date chosen by the candidate. The ‘Oral Component’ examination may be written on a date chosen by the candidate and will be available only to those who passed their ‘Written Component’. Candidates for Certification in Community or Medical Interpreting may choose to complete both exam components at the same time. More details for the certification exams for interpreters will be announced at a later date.
Dictionaries and reference works are NOT permitted for any of the Interpretation Exams. The interpretation written exams are handwritten only.
Medical Interpretation –Written Component:
a) Translation of a text on a Medical Theme from ‘other language’ to English or French
b) Translation of a List of Medical Terms
c) Medical Interpreter Professional Practice and Ethics
Community Interpretation –Written Component:
a) Translation of a text on a Community Theme from ‘other language’ to English or French
b) Community Interpreter Professional Practice
c) Ethics
Court Interpretation –Written Component:
a) Knowledge of the Canadian Law and Court Procedures
b) Interpreter Professional Practice and Ethics
c) Translation of Terminology into the Language of Specialty and of a Text on a Legal Theme into English
If you have already successfully passed your Written Component Interpretation Examination, please contact us to get more information on how to register for the Oral Component of your certification exam.
Exam Marking
It takes approximately twelve (12) weeks for candidates to receive their exam results by email. We thank you in advance for your patience and understanding. Each translation exam is marked by two experienced certified translators who, after marking each anonymous exam independently, consult each other to determine the final mark, if applicable.
Translation Candidates who’s score is below the passing mark of 70% may appeal per the instructions outlined in their result letter.
Exams will not be returned to candidates.
Exam Day Regulations
Only Candidates for Certification in good standing may register for an Exam; therefore, if you have not already paid your 2024 annual dues, payments are only possible by emailing for assistance and a $90 late fee will be applied to your amount owing.
Effective May 14, 2019
Requests to reschedule must be emailed to
After exam registration (registration until 22 days before the exam):
– If a candidate wishes to reschedule their CTTIC Exam they will pay a penalty fee of $75.00.
Three weeks before the exam:
– If a candidate reschedules their exam between one and three weeks before their scheduled exam date, they will receive a 50% refund.
– The candidate must pay in full (100%) for the new exam date.
7 days or less before the exam:
– Reschedule requests received within this period will not be refunded.
– The candidate must pay in full (100%) for a new exam date.
The only exception to the above is if a candidate falls ill on the exam day. In such cases, upon receipt of a doctor’s report, ATIO may refund a maximum of 50%.
Effective March 1st, 2018. Updated May 14, 2019
Requests to cancel must be emailed to
After exam registration (registration until 22 days before the exam):
– If a candidate wishes to cancel their CTTIC Exam they will pay a penalty fee of $75.00.
Three weeks before the exam:
– If a candidate cancels their exam between one and three weeks before their scheduled exam date, they will receive a 50% refund.
7 days or less before the exam:
– Cancellation requests received within this period will not be refunded.
– The candidate must pay in full (100%) for a new exam date.
The only exception to the above is if a candidate falls ill on the exam day. In such cases, upon receipt of a doctor’s report, ATIO may refund a maximum of 50%.